
How to Tell if it’s Time to Upgrade Your Hotel Property Management System

Is your management software causing your business more problems than it is solving?


Your Complete IT Security Checklist for 2017

So, we’re finally here. 2016 is winding down and so too, it seems, are the majority of your workforce. As we head towards the holiday season, most of us are perhaps thinking more about where we’ll be eating Christmas lunch

IT Infrastructure

Five Ways to Significantly Reduce the Cost of Your Hotel’s IT Infrastructure

From the way your guests book their hotel suite to the way they experience their in-room entertainment, your hotel’s IT infrastructure serves as the driving force behind


Why Now is the Ideal Time to Consider Your Hotel’s Technology Goals for 2017

For many UK businesses, setting new goals and targets is something left


5 Unique Ways to Use Your Hotel Music System That You Haven’t Yet Thought of

Are you making the most of your hotel music system? Chances are, there’s still more you could be doing to really use your hotel’s audio technology to its full potential.