Coronavirus Cybersecurity

SentinelOne: Our verdict after deploying to over 500 endpoints

Finding a quality endpoint security solution is never the easiest of tasks. With a wealth of options out there, finding just one that adequately helps businesses tackle the unique challenges they face and providing sufficient, all-round protection at the same time can sometimes seem impossible.

covid 19 cybersecurity

IT Security and the Coronavirus Crisis: What Your Business Needs to Know

All businesses these days are focussed on trying to survive the coronavirus crisis. However, most of this has been about setting up a work-from-home infrastructure, putting appropriate business continuity measures in place, and doing all they can to come out of this with their business still intact.


Work-From-Home – Essential elements to maintain your IT Infrastructure During the Covid-19 Outbreak

Over the past several weeks, the world-wide coronavirus pandemic has turned working-from-home from something of a luxury enjoyed by a small percentage of the global workforce to an outright necessity.


Top Business Continuity Tips to Protect Your Company During the Covid-19 Pandemic

The global Covid-19 pandemic finds us at an unprecedented time in history, one that even the most in-depth of business continuity strategies couldn’t have fully predicted nor prepared for. The impact of this...

Managed IT Support

5 Signs it’s Time to Change Your Managed IT Support Provider

According to House of Commons library, the total number of private sector businesses in the UK is estimated to be 5.7 million in 2018, and they are all SME’s (small and medium-sized enterprises). They constitute over 99% of all the business.

Any business keeping fewer than 250 employees is an SME.

And there are around 8,000 large business houses with more than 250 employees in the UK. They account for just 0.1% of businesses but 40% of employment and 48% of turnover.

Emergency IT Support

Is Out of Hours IT Support Really Worth It? The Pros and Cons of Emergency Support

As your business continues to evolve to meet the needs of modern customers, you find yourself on more than one occasion confronted by a common dilemma among SMEs:

To invest in out of hours IT support or not? On the one hand, a number of your fellow business owners frequently talk about

Cyber Security

5 Simple Things You Can Do Today to Immediately Improve Your Cyber Security

It’s been a long while since you first made that note to review your business’ cyber security practices, hasn’t it?

Sure, you added it to your never-ending To Do List with the best of intentions, but somewhere between chasing that big contract, meeting the demands of your customers

manage it support banners

What’s the Difference Between Managed IT Support and Traditional Tech Support?

How many times have you heard your fellow business owners singing the praises of their new managed IT support service?

Sure, everyone’s quick to tell you what a game-changer it’s been for them, and nobody minds boasting

managed it support

Why Managed IT Services Could Be Vital to the Long-Term Success of Your Business

How far would your business get without your technology?

Not very far, right?

Strip away your mission-critical apps, throw away your hardware, and it doesn’t take Nostradamus

out of hours support

How Out of Hours IT Support Can Ensure You Beat Your Competition

The days of traditional business hours are over. In a world where customers have been trained to expect round-the-clock access to their favourite brands, out of hours IT support is vital to ensure your business continues to thrive.

We live in an on-demand society today.