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Cloud Services
Cloud Computing

Pacific Infotech Launch Cloud Services to help your Business Adjust to the New Normal

Whichever way we look at it, things are never quite going to be the same again after 2020-21. COVID-19 has forever altered the business landscape, and those who thrive in the coming years are those who will have most successfully adapted to the “new normal.”

Still, navigating through this new way of working while still trying to maintain some semblance of business-as-usual can seem like an almost impossible challenge for some businesses.

That’s where we come in.

As the leading IT consultancy in London, Pacific Infotech have recently launched a brand new online platform to help London’s businesses access the kind of world-class cloud service providers that help them not merely adjust to the new normal but positively thrive in this forever-altered economy.

These include:

Backup as a Service (BaaS)

Backup as a service

Did you know that 40% of global businesses never reopen their doors after a disaster? Of those that do make it back, some 30% close down anyway within the space of 24 months.

Pacific Infotech’s world-class Backup as a Service (BaaS solutions) help ensure that your business isn’t one of them by ensuring you’re well protected in the event of a data loss or breach.

Offering the most competitive pricing on data backup services available anywhere in the UK, you can access our flexible, scalable solutions via an easy-to-use online dashboard that keeps you in control of your data at all times.

How it Works:

  • We make full copies of your virtual and physical servers and store them in a secure, offsite location.
  • We use fully integrated ‘air-gapped’ data retention to keep your data safe from ransomware and other cyber-attacks, all at no extra cost to you.
  • We charge you a simple per-TB/per-month flat fee with no hidden costs or nasty surprises guaranteed.
All of our BaaS services include full compatibility with Veeam Cloud Connect architecture.

Backup as a Service Pricing

Our simple Baas cost calculator provides an accurate cost of BaaS with no hidden charges or nasty surprises. Order Online Now!

BaaS Calculator

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

Disaster Recovery as a Service

Of course, ensuring that your business remains operational in the event of a disaster often requires much more than simple data backup. That’s why we also offer comprehensive Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) solutions) tailored to your business.

With DRaaS, your data is still backed up within agreed Recovery Time Objective (RTO) or periods, but that’s only the beginning. Our consultants work with you to design a flawless failover strategy that will ensure that, in the event of an emergency, you can resume your mission-critical services within the hour.

Disaster Recovery as a Service Pricing

Find out the Cost of Disaster Recovery as a Service and order online. Also, check the service highlights and a simple deployment process. Order Online Now.

DRaas Calculator

DaaS/Hosted Desktop Solution 

Hosted Desktop Solutions

A DaaS/Desktop Virtualisation/Hosted desktop solutions help you eliminate the costs, complications, and carbon footprint of managing your IT infrastructure by eliminating the need for physical servers and hardware.

Instead, your users log on to a cloud-based desktop solution where they can access all the apps, data, and services they need with even greater efficiency and reliability than you’d get from an on-site setup.

This not only cuts costs but also helps improve employee productivity by over 90%. What’s more, because we manage everything for you, your in-house IT staff are no longer bogged down by an endless list of helpdesk requests, freeing them up to focus on revenue-generating projects.

Browse our Desktop Virtualisation Packages

Hosted desktop solutions from Pacific Infotech start from as little as just £25 per user per month and include:

14GB storage per user
Full Data backup
2 Factor Authentication
Microsoft Office 365 and more.

See our details of all our packages on their dedicated pages, or contact us today to discuss your requirements.

Introducing Brand New Cyber Security Services From Pacific Infotech

Cyber Security Services

According to Statista, the average cost of a cybersecurity breach to a small business in the UK is £1,410, though this number gets increasingly more prominent among more substantial firms.

Of course, it isn’t just the immediate financial impact that matters. SMBs spend an average of 1.3 – 2.2 days dealing with data breaches, which is time not spent on growing the business and meeting customers’ needs.

Knowing what a significant impact even the smallest breach can have on your business, we’ve launched a brand new range of world-class cybersecurity solutions to help keep you, your company, and your invaluable data safe 24/7/365.

These include:

Email Migration to Microsoft Office 365

Migrate to Office 365

Helping your business make the most of best-in-class cloud email and productivity tools, our email migration experts carry out an in-depth assessment of your unique needs to determine the most suitable migration plan.

Next, we go through a planning and testing stage to ensure we can move you over to your new cloud solution with zero disruptions to your day-to-day operation.

Finally, we carry out the migration at a time that best suits you and completes the handover process, ensuring we’re always available with post-migration support when you need it.

Once your new system is live, we complete the handover process, providing all documentation and maintaining our relationship with you via post-migration support.

Email Migration Pricing

Email Migration Cost Calculator Our simple cost-calculator provides an accurate email migration with no hidden charges or nasty surprises.

Email Migration Cost

Ready to move your email to the cloud? See how affordable it can be with our online email migration cost calculator. For cybersecurity, DRaaS and world-class IT support, visit the new Pacific Infotech website today.