Hotel IT Support

Why Now is the Ideal Time to Consider Your Hotel’s Technology Goals for 2017

For many UK businesses, setting new goals and targets is something left until the height of spring and the start of the new financial year. Here at Pacific Infotech however, our hotel IT support team are already working with a number of our clients on planning their most profitable -and technologically advanced- year to date.

With around only fifty days to go before 2017 is well and truly upon us, here’s just a few reasons why you should start looking at your plans for any new investment in a hospitality IT solution, and for really making the most of your existing technology in the upcoming calendar year.

The Ideal Time to Assess Your Current Situation

hotel-itAs a top UK hotel, there’s rarely a time when you’re not busy. Day in, day out, you’re taking bookings, hiring out your conference rooms, and attending to the needs of your current guests. Yet with the Christmas and New Year season upon us, you may well find you’re busier than usual.

From guests looking for a place to lay their head after attending seasonal celebrations, to those taking advantage of your proximity to the nearest town or city for their Christmas shopping trips, it feels very much like it’s all hands on the proverbial deck at the moment.

Whilst on the surface, this may suggest that now is the least appropriate time to start analysing your current hotel technology, the exact opposite is true. Since there’s so much going on, you have the perfect opportunity to see how your existing hospitality IT solution copes with peak periods.

Right now, you have the chance to look at what’s working well and, perhaps more importantly, at what could be improved.

Remember, the long term goal of your hotel is to continue your growth, to turn boom periods into the norm, and to handle them effortlessly. Isn’t now then the perfect opportunity to explore exactly what you’ll need to do to make that happen.

Take Advantage of the Post-Seasonal Lull to Implement New Hospitality IT Solutions


After the boom period comes that inevitable post-Christmas lull, a time when, though it isn’t exactly quiet around your hotel, you’re certainly not as stretched to your limit as you were in the run-up to the holidays.

With a quieter period just before the build up to the spring season, you have the perfect opportunity to start implementing new hotel IT solutions, especially if those solutions happen to come in the form of hardware.

After all, isn’t it much better to do this now, when disruptions can be kept to a minimum, rather than during your next peak period?

Enjoy Lower Hotel Technology Costs at the End of the Financial Year

Whilst your hotel guests may be out hitting high street for the New Year Sales, and whilst you yourself may be running some kind of post-Christmas promotion to keep things moving, that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of lower costs over the next couple of months.

Once the new financial year begins in spring, technology manufacturers look to maximise their profits by taking a big bite out of the new IT budgets most businesses put in place. Until then, you’ve now got the perfect opportunity to maximise your own budget, enjoying greater value for a smaller investment than you’d be making come April.

Looking for advice, guidance, or support with planning your hotel’s 2017 technology goals? Contact the hotel IT support specialists at Pacific Infotech today. Call us now on 020 313 76707.